7 tips to prepare the house in spring cleaning

Spring cleaning: 7 tips to prepare the house

Spring season is all about a clean environment and that’s why we are here to tell you some good tips so you can clean and maintain your house in the Spring season. So here are 7 tips to prepare the house for Spring cleaning.

it’s spring. The sun is shining through the windows, there is a vase of fresh flowers on the table – a tidy house can really lift your spirits! But the sun can also illuminate long-forgotten corners, clutter, and piles of clothes… It’s time to get ready to face the big spring cleaning! But how? seven essential tips for us.

Games with momentum: start where progress is quickly visible

Everyone knows it: once you start, then you continue like a train. But who has the strength to start spring cleaning? Ugh! To get in the right frame of mind, it’s best to initially focus on quick and simple things – like shelves and work surfaces – and on the areas that capture the most attention. Roxanna’s advice: “Work room by room or otherwise choose specific areas or objects to clean from time to time”.

Take a structured approach: Use these categories to reorder

Before it’s time for the actual spring cleaning, the bulk of the clutter needs to be cleared. The best way to do this is to create three object groups. Things you absolutely want to keep come first. Secondly, those that you need, but are not essential. And in the third position, the things that can be separated from. Roxanna advises: “ Use questions like: When was the last time I used this item? What is the probability of using it again? I like? Do I have other similar objects?”.

Where to put the mess? Prepare three boxes!

To speed up the reordering process, set up three boxes with these labels: in use, to keep, and to discard. In the box in use, but what you really use all the time. Objects to be discarded can be donated, sold, or thrown away, depending on their condition. “ There are not only online opportunities, but also associations or shops in many cities to deliver books, sell clothes and donate toys,” Roxanna reminds you. “Take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of things in a sustainable way: this will make you feel better and help you do a more radical cleanup!

Another mode of action: the Marie Kondo method

If the categories and questions for ‘tidy decision making’ are not enough, you can prepare the house for spring cleaning using the ‘Marie Kondo strategy’. It’s very simple: the goal is to keep only the things that make us happy and give us joy. Everything else must go. Roxanna explains: “If an object doesn’t make you happy when you hold it in your hand. It certainly won’t make you happier when it’s closed in a drawer”. A somewhat radical choice, but useful for rethinking everything we own.

Clean lightly: a creative way to relax 

The big task of spring cleaning is much easier when we proceed with clear goals in mind, but also when the cleaning itself is organized as a positive moment. “ Light a scented candle, put your favorite playlist or podcast in the background, and approach spring cleaning as a relaxing activity,” explains Roxanna. Her advice is to choose a candle with essential oils such as lavender, ylang-ylang, or bergamot because they have a stress-reducing and mood-enhancing effect!

Really radical spring cleaning? Choose the clean slate 

If you want to do your spring cleaning in a radical and sustainable way, tackle one room at a time and put all the items in that room into boxes. “Empty the closets completely and put everything outside the room door. When you go back to it next time, just take what you want to use at the time,” explains Roxanna. “By using this technique for four weeks, at the end of the month, it will be much easier to decide what is left and what can be eliminated”.

Maintain order: everything in its place and a place for everything

It is very important that, after the big spring cleaning, each object has its specific place and that you get into the habit of always putting things back when you are not using them. The cleaning expert Roxanna adds: “The technique of giving each object its own place also helps to keep your children’s room tidy because it gets them used to managing spaces and tidying up games independently”.

Voila – now you are ready for the big spring cleaning! 

You’re finally ready for spring cleaning! Now that you have an overview of the steps to take, you can start planning specific cleaning for each room. We also advise you not to forget the points where dust tends to collect such as door frames, radiators, skirting boards, the washing machine, and curtains. 

So this was all with the 7 best cleaning tips to prepare the house in the Spring season.

Read more:

How to Clean Soap Scum From Shower Doors

Room Cleaning Tips And Techniques

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