Clean A Gym Floor

How To Clean A Gym Floor

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Gyms and sports centers require specialized maintenance, in terms of cleaning, which is why we want to provide you with information and guidelines on how to clean rubber floors simply and effectively. Rubber floors have enjoyed great success in recent years. As they offer great resistance to all types of shocks, such as falling weights, dumbbells and flat weights, continuous jumps…etc. Furthermore, bacteria and microorganisms do not adhere easily to this flooring. It is not affected by water. It is very effective as an anti-slip and it also does not require as much care as other types of flooring. So how one can clean a gym floor?

However, despite the numerous advantages, the image of this type of floor remains intact by prolonging its life, as well as offering the security of a disinfected and clean space. It is advisable to apply an appropriate cleaning protocol for this type of flooring.

Cleaning Of A Gym Floor

From our experience, we know that every floor has particular needs and conditions, for which certain actions and products will be more or less suitable.

According to our cleaning protocol, the first step is to analyze the needs of the environment and develop a one-time or periodic cleaning plan. Once the case has been evaluated, it will be necessary to detail which products would be needed. The number of operators, the surfaces to be cleaned and the machinery to be used.

However, if you want to take care of the cleaning of the gym floor yourself, we offer you some useful tips below to avoid deterioration.

Three Steps To Clean The Gym Floor

Rubber floors can be severely damaged if improperly maintained and cleaned. Therefore, let’s see below how to keep them clean and in good condition.

Gather The Correct Materials

Before you start cleaning, always make sure you have everything you need.

To clean a rubber floor you will need:

  • Vacuum;
  • Mop or mop;
  • Soft clothes;
  • Neutral cleaners.

Try To Keep All This Material Together In One Place

This will make it easier to find and use it when needed. With everything well organized, the time spent cleaning your floors will be less and the results will be more satisfying.

Remove Debris From The Floor

Start by doing a quick check on how to clean the gym floor. Check the items or puddles of liquid you forgot that you need to wipe up. Once you have removed the larger debris, vacuum the entire surface. If it’s an outdoor space, you can use a broom to remove them.

Sanitizing The Surfaces

After vacuuming, you can move on to the sanitizing phase of the surfaces. Clean the rubber floor with neutral detergents. You should never use bleach or other types of corrosive agents to sanitize this material. With the help of a well-wrung rag or mop, wash the entire floor thoroughly and let it dry. If possible, open the windows to air out the space.

Disinfecting tools with specific products are useful for decreasing the possible proliferation of viruses and bacteria.

As already mentioned you should avoid using products that can be corrosive, such as bleach or acidic floor cleaners, as they could deteriorate the gym floor. Furthermore, we also advise you not to wet the floor too much and avoid using a very damp mop. This type of flooring takes a long time to dry and while it is resistant to water and humidity, it could be a problem in the long run.

Another thing to remember is that if the rubber floor is filthy, manual cleaning may be necessary, scrubbing the most problematic parts of the floor.

Recommended Care For Rubber Floor Cleaning In Gyms

In addition to cleaning, other treatments recommended for the maintenance of the floor in gyms must be taken into consideration. Only in this way will you be able to make it last much longer and maintain its shine and appearance on the first day.

Daily Cleaning Of The Floor

Daily cleaning of the floor is essential so that dirt does not accumulate. Being a closed places, sports centers require special attention and it is vitally important to keep them disinfected from bacteria and viruses. Hence, regular cleaning is essential for proper maintenance.

Deep Cleaning

At least once a week, always take care of the choice of products, tools, and machinery to avoid damaging the floor.

Keep The Gym Floor Dry

Water won’t damage rubber flooring, but it can damage the adhesive that holds it together and immobilizes it.

Use Of Mats On Gym Floor

To reduce dirt, we recommend placing the mats at the gym entrance door, and at the exit of the changing rooms. And just before entering the engine room or other activities, because the athletes will be able to clean their shoes. And therefore reduce the rubbish they bring from the street.

Use Suitable Cleaning Products

It is important to know what kind of products are suitable for cleaning rubber flooring, as not all of them work properly. For example, solvents and acidic liquids cause erosion, and products containing wax or alkaline composition alter the appearance of the floor.

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